Available courses

Statistical methods for summarizing data; probability; common probability distributions; sampling and sampling distributions; estimation and hypothesis testing for means, proportions, and variances using parametric and nonparametric procedures; power analysis; goodness of fit; contingency tables; and simple regression and one-way analysis of variance.

This course examines the solution of partial differential equations by focusing on three specific equations: (1) the heat equation, (2) the wave equation, and (3) Laplace 's equation. Topics covered include: Fourier transforms, Sturm-Liouville problems, classification of partial differential equations, Bessel functions, and numerical methods for solving partial differential equations.

This course provides a graduate level overview of linear algebra and vector analysis. Topics covered include; linear simultaneous equations, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, matrix functions, computer techniques, and transformations, vector calculus, the Laplacian, and integral theorems such as the theorems of Green and Stokes.

Introduction to analytic and numerical methods for solving differential equations. Topics include numerical methods and qualitative behavior of first order equations, analytic techniques for separable and linear equations, applications to population models and motion problems; techniques for solving higher order linear differential equations with constant coefficients (including undetermined coefficients, reduction of order, and variation of parameters), applications to physical models; the Laplace transform (including intial value problems with discontinuous forcing functions). Use of mathematics software is an integral part of the course. Computing proficiency is required for a passing grade in this course.

Fundamentals of linear algebra and matrix theory are covered. Topics include vectors in Euclidean spaces, solving systems of linear equations, matrix algebra, inverses, determinants, eigenvalues, and eigenvectors. Also vector spaces and the basic notions of span, subspace, linear independence, basis, dimension, linear transformation, kernel and range are considered. Computing proficiency is required for a passing grade in this course.

This is the third of three courses in the basic calculus sequence. Topics include: vector functions and motion in space; functions of two or more variables and their partial derivatives; and applications of partial derivatives (including Lagrange multipliers), quadric surfaces, multiple integration (including Jacobian), line integrals, Green's Theorem, vector analysis, surface integrals and Stokes' Theorem.

This is the second of three courses in the basic calculus sequence. Topics include vectors and the geometry of space, applications of integration, integration techniques, L'Hopital's Rule, improper integrals, parametric equations, polar coordinates, conic sections and infinite series.

This is the first of three courses in the basic calculus sequence. Topics include the limit of a function; the derivative of algebraic, trigonometric, exponential, and logarithmic functions; and the definite integral. Applications of the derivative are covered in detail, including approximations of error using differentials, maxima and minima problems, and curve sketching using calculus. There is also a brief review of selected precalculus topics at the beginning of the course. Degree credit will not be granted for both MATH 121 and MATH 125 or MATH 145.

To survey aerospace history, discuss pertinent topics and introduce basic concepts that promote an understanding of aerospace engineering and the profession.

Introductory course for students in all engineering disciplines that provides the basic skills required for engineering with an emphasis on problem solving, sketching, teaming, oral and written technical communication, and the design process.

The study of forces, couples and resultants of force systems; free-body diagrams; two- and three-dimensional equilibrium, and problems involving friction; and centroids, center of gravity, and distributed forces.

Introduction to engineering thermodynamics. Topics include units and measures, thermodynamic system, property, and surroundings, closed, open and isolated systems, first law of thermodynamics for closed systems including calculations of boundary work and heat transfer interactions, properties of pure substances including determination of thermodynamic state using the state postulate, introduction to thermodynamic tables, ideal gases, first law of thermodynamics for open systems, second law of thermodynamics, absolute temperature scale, heat engine and refrigeration cycles, Carnot cycle, Kelvin-Planck and Claussius statements of the second law, determination of allowable, reversible, and impossible thermodynamic processes and cycles using the second law, introduction to entropy as a thermodynamic property using the second law, calculation of entropy change and entropy generation for closed and open systems. Introduction to isentropic processes and isentropic efficiencies of devices.

Concepts of stress and strain; analysis of stresses and deformation in bodies loaded by axial, torsional, and bending loads; combined loads analysis; statically indeterminate members; thermal stresses; columns; and thin-walled pressure vessels.

Kinematics of particles and rigid bodies, Newton's laws of motion, and principles of work-energy and impulse-momentum for particles and rigid bodies.

Syntax and data structures, algorithm development, and data plotting using currently relevant technical computing programing language(s). Prior knowledge of programming is not required, but the course is appropriate for students with prior programming experience.

Fluid statics, application of conservation laws to simple systems, dimensional analysis and similitude, and flow in open and closed conduits.

Introduction to subsonic aerodynamics, including properties of the atmosphere; aerodynamic characteristics of airfoils, wings, and other components; lift and drag phenomena; and topics of current interest.

Methods of analyzing stressed skin structures of the types that are typically found in aircraft, missiles and space vehicles. Unsymmetrical bending and bending and twisting of multiple cell structures are also covered.

Survey of topics and basic concepts in astronautics: orbital mechanics, space environment, attitude determination & control, telecommunications, space structures, rocket propulsion, and spacecraft systems.

This course is a combination of aircraft performance and static flight mechanics. Aircraft performance, including the straight and level flight, climb and glide, range and endurance, takeoff and landing, turning, performance testing, is introduced for propeller-driven and jet-engine aircraft. Flight mechanics deals with the trim and static stability of aircraft for steady flight conditions, based on the aerodynamic coefficients and stability derivatives derived from the aerodynamic build-up of complete aircraft.

Principles of air-breathing jet engines (turboshaft, turboprop, turbojet, ramjet, scramjet) and their applications, aircraft engine matching, introduction to rocket propulsion principles.

Dynamics of compressible fluids: shock waves, one-dimensional flow, expansion waves in two-dimensional flow and compressible flow over aerodynamic bodies.

Design of tension, compression bending, torsion, and stiffened panel members. Analytical investigation involving aircraft structural components.

The objectives of this course are to introduce dynamical systems and classical control theory and apply them to flight dynamics and control. This course introduces point-mass and rigid-body flight vehicle dynamics, in particular for airplanes and satellites, with an emphasis on stability analysis for trimmed steady flight and torque-free motion. This course also introduces linear control methods for stability augmentation and robust control design for single input, single output linear, time invariant systems. These control methods are applied to flight vehicle attitude determination and control systems, in particular for airplanes and satellites. This course highly utilizes MATLAB/Simulink.

Selected topics from recent developments in the aeronautical and space engineering fields. There are visiting lecturers and extensive student participation. Several nontechnical topics of immediate interest to seniors are explored. Each student must complete a personal resume. Writing proficiency is required for a passing grade in this course. A student who does not write with the skill normally required of an upper-division student will not earn a passing grade, no matter how well the student performs in other areas of the course.

Development and use of the integral and differential forms of the equations of continuity, momentum, and energy with ideal fluids, viscous fluids and compressible fluids. Advanced topics in fluid mechanics, including potential flow, viscous flow and compressible flow.

Critical examination of the propulsive airscrew, including induced velocity relations, flow patterns, and similarity. Practical applications are approached through existing theory and practice.

Introduction to tensor analysis. Analysis of stress and strain at a point. Development of the equations representing conservation laws for a continuum. Study of constitutive relationships for fluids and solids. Application of field equations to simple boundary value problems in solid mechanics and fluid mechanics.

Fundamental theories, limitations and instrumentation of nondestructive test methods used for metal, polymer and composites materials. The ultrasonic, acoustic emission, vibration, thermography, eddy current, penetrant, and radiography methods are emphasized.

Dynamics of systems in moving coordinate frames; Lagrangian formulation and Hamilton's principle; stability and perturbation concepts for rigid body motion; motion of systems of rigid bodies in three dimensions.

Introduction to engineering application of celestial mechanics; to formulate, understand, and apply fundamentals in orbital mechanics to trajectory design process. Perform analytic and numerical analysis to understand its behavior. Kepler's laws, coordinate transformations, and related studies.

Free and forced vibrations, both undamped and damped. Systems with many degrees of freedom are formulated and analyzed by matrix methods. Experimental techniques of vibration measurement are introduced.

Study of dynamic behaviors of elastic structures (interaction of elastic and inertial forces) with emphasis on aeronautical applications. Introduction of concepts and tools used in structural dynamics, including the Newtonian and variational methods. Basic numerical integration schemes to solve time-domain responses of elastic structures.

Concepts in systems engineering of space systems: systems engineering, space systems, satellites, space transportation systems, space environment, attitude determination and control, telecommunications, space structures, rocket propulsion, and spacecraft systems.

This course covers incompressible and compressible airfoil and wing theories and their applications to aircraft aerodynamic design. It also discusses viscous effects, unsteady aerodynamics, and topics of current interest. Specific contents of this course include flow-field modeling, compressible aerodynamic theory, viscous effects, unsteady aerodynamics, classical and swept wings, and an introduction to super- and hyper-sonic aerodynamics.

Equations of linear elasticity, principal stresses and strains, stress and displacement potentials, energy principles, and numerical methods. Boundary value problems of elasticity.

The objective of this is to teach advanced concepts related to flight dynamics and control including rotary-wing and rocket flight vehicles. This course will provide high fidelity nonlinear modeling for flight vehicle dynamics including vibrations, rotating and variable mass, unsteady atmosphere, variable gravity, rotating and ellipsoidal Earth, and multivariate model uncertainties using structured singular values. To address these model uncertainties for feedback control system design, robust optimal control techniques using H2, H∞, robust servomechanism, and 𝜇-synthesis will be introduced.

This course is designed to provide the graduate students with fundamental concepts of advanced mathematical analysis of continuous and discrete mechanical engineering systems. The course includes intensive discussion of ordinary differential equations, Fourier analysis, and advanced vector calculus with applications to dynamic systems, heat transfer as well as fluid and solid mechanics.

Detailed design of aircraft or space vehicles, including weight and balance, power plant selection, exterior layout, performance, stability, and control. Involves group efforts on selected projects.

Project planning and preliminary design techniques for an aerospace system. Writing proficiency is required for a passing grade in this course. A student who does not write with the skill normally required of an upper-division student will not earn a passing grade, no matter how well the student performs in other areas of the course.

Two-dimensional representations of multiviews, sections, and auxiliaries will be generated.

This course covers fundamental concepts in mathematics and computer programming, which will be the tools for mechanical engineering analysis. It includes Linear Algebra and Numerical Analysis with application to engineering problems with elements of Programming, Statistics, and Engineering Economics. MATLAB is utilized as the programming software with students exposed to basics of coding and high-level functions for solving specific mathematical problems. Computing proficiency is required for a passing grade in this course.